Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My wonderful husband

My wonderful husband has been home now for three days this week, Mon/Tues/Wednesday. Unlike the previous 4 months where he's been out of town pretty much the entire week. I think I complained so much he thought he had to stay home to keep me from completely losing it. Every night he has completely taken care of Joey so I could take care of Christina and have some bonding time with her. He played with Joey, fed him his dinner, gave him his bath, changed his diapers, dressed him, etc etc. Of course part of that is when Daddy's home Joey is stuck like glue on Joe and wants nothing to do with Mommy. It feels like normal again. He's leaving in the morning but only for two days which as usual I am not looking forward to.

Joey wouldn't take a bath tonight so I put him in our shower. The only problem is he wants to hold the shower head which means water is going to go everywhere and the tile is going to be slippery. He cries if I shut the shower door so am I going to handle this tomorrow night? Maybe I could invite Sponge Bob over to our house to lay down in front of the shower and absorb all the water.

I asked Joey if he wanted to go outside and he said "no, dark out there, moon on". He is so funny. Next post I'll have some pics.

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