Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joey's Birthday Party

Joey is two years old now !! We had his birthday party on the 25th at Chuck E Cheese. We had a good time, he learns fast, we put tokens in his pocket to spend and when he ran out he said "more money dad" .. he's been calling us mom and dad instead of mommy and daddy, isn't that supposed to happen much later? I am definitely not ready for that. Here are some pics of him and his friends.

Joey with Big Sissy Emily

Joey with Bob the Builder

Maybe we should have Joe's next birthday party at Chuck E Cheese too.

Joey and his friend Conner, we had not seen Conner since Christmas, they get big so fast

Here is Brianna, we had Joey's and Brianna's birthday party together since their birthdays are only a day apart. Brianna is 3.

Here are Nate and Wyatt the twins, they got Joey a cool caterpillar with batteries

YUMMY !! Pizza and chocolate cake..the waiter bought out the pizza and cake at the same time and put the cake right in front of Joey...hmmm...which did Joey want to eat first?

and here is Chuck E Cheese himself paying a visit to our table

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