Saturday, December 27, 2008


We had a good Christmas, Joey was expecting Santa and had a good time opening his gifts. We just put teething rings and pacifiers in Christina's stocking, I think next year will be a better year for her. Here is Joey with his Jackhammer (I think the one tool he didn't have)

Here is Joey with his indestructable water proof kids camera, I guess we'll see about that

Here is Joey playing with Christina's toy from her cousins Tyler and Kaitlin, a pink plastic purse with music, lights, etc

and a cute picture of our girl

Here is joe with pj's to match joey's, darn they didn't fit

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Joey used the potty !!!!!!!

When I picked up Joey from daycare he had POTTY written in big letters on his sheet, which meant he used the potty ! Of course it would happen first at daycare so I can miss the whole thing, I got him to sit a few minutes last night, he wanted to keep moving from the big potty to the little potty, and then stand in front of Christina in her bouncy chair, with no diaper on. I think somebody is going to get peed on more than once thru this process.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

pics of the kids

I was uploading and ordering prints online for my Granny Key and mom who do not have access to this blog and found some cute pictures..

This is Joey over Thanksgiving taste testing our mashed potatoes, he approved.

This is Joey's "cheesy" face, its the awful smile he has when he is posing for a picture, he says "I'm cool" and holds both thumbs up when he has sunglasses on.

Emily and Christina

Thursday, December 11, 2008

busy busy busy

no pics this time, it's Thursday night, Joe has been out of town since last Sunday. We've gotten into a nightly routine of Joey asking to talk to Daddy on the phone, so we call about 7 or so. Joey tells Daddy we are making cookies, or whatever we happen to be doing, then blows kisses into the phone and hands the phone back to me.
He is still asking for Lin Lin from Thanksgiving.

I usually am a pretty organized person but this week I forgot Christina's food for daycare one day, the next day I forgot her bottles, then I always forget my keys laying around in her room and have to go back and get them after I drop Joey off. Things are hectic, honey are you out there? I hope you get some local work soon.
I have to look down at myself in the car on the way to work and make sure I got dressed. Today I went to work without any makeup on.

Christina is still not moving around much, she'll roll over from her back to her stomach and kick, but no rolling over and over. She is good at reaching out for things, she wants to put everything in her mouth (she can put her toes in her mouth now). And she has found her voice, she'll fuss and squeal at me sometimes until I look at her, then she'll laugh. She had her 6 month checkup and flu shot, 6 shots, I don't know if that was more painful for her or me. She had mommy-itis tonight so I had to hold her pretty much the entire time after work. she has a red rash on her cheeks from her pacifier and drooling, I put loads of aquaphor on it and am trying to rid her of her pacifier, easier said than done.

Joey is talking a LOT .. he remembers everything. I am constantly telling him "no spit" which he does when he gets frustrated, so he told Christina "no spit baby Tina" when she was blowing rasberries. How do I let one spit but not the other?
He has gotten in the habit of yanking his hand away from me and running which he has done twice in the daycare parking lot and once at Kohl's when I was trying to buy him some pants, talk about scary. So now I have to have a death grip on his arm when he needs to hold my hand. Still not terribly interested in sitting on the potty. He runs into Christina's room in the morning so he can wake her up, he is so cute.

mommy: has deadlines at work and is stressed out without any help at home

daddy: has deadlines and is stressed out from working so much

next time I'll post some pictures, probably after Christmas, we are finally going to have a family portrait made at Picture People this Sunday

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving and catch up blog

It's been over a week since I've posted anything, we had PopPop1 and PopPop2 visit over two weekends (grandpop1 is my dad, grandpop2 is Joe's dad, NOT named in order of importance). It's an extremely busy time with work, holidays, my DH is OOT for two weeks, Christina still has an ear infection and is on a stronger antiobiotic, and now Joey has a sinus infection and is on antiobiotics too.

Random things:
Joey has moved up a room at daycare, it's called "Get Set 1". No more sippy cups, just regular cups (which he does at home anyway), and he sits on the potty every couple of hours. When PopPop1 was here (and Grandmom, Aunt Sue, Tyler and Kaitlin) we went to see Madagascar (did I spell that right? leave me alone, it's after midnight). I found the Move it Move it song on You Tube and Joey and I and Christina danced to it tonight, here's the link, there are several different versions. He liked the version with lyrics and kept saying "loud?" (he wanted me to play it louder).

Here are some pictures from thanksgiving, Joey broke both mine and Joe's camera so we didn't get as many pictures as we would have liked

Emily,Kaitlin,Joey painting

Tyler,Kaitlin,Joey eating breakfast together

Aunt Sue took some pictures of Emily,Joey, and Christina for me, I was hoping to use
these for Xmas cards but as you can see someone looks unhappy in each picture, and Joey insisted on having his milk with him in the picture

Joey is still asking "Where PopPop go?" and "Where LinLin go?" (Kaitlin) cute, he had a lot of fun with his big sissy and cousins.