Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christina's 4 month checkup

Our little girl is very healthy !!

She is:
60th percentile for height (24.5 inches)
82th percentile for weight (15.4 lbs)
59th percentile for head circumference

She's not rolling over completely yet but she does roll over onto her side and cries I think because she wants to roll all the way over. I think some of this is the lack of time I have for her in the evenings with work and Joey. I do try to put her on her tummy once a night and on her back a little while. When she's on her back on in her bath she is always lifting her head up.

Joey is actually starting to listen to me and do what I ask. (ok, the last two nights anyway he has been an angel). when we got out of the car after I picked them up for daycare he ran around the side of the house..I told him to come back, we could come back out after dinner and he actually came back on his own without fussing. Then he had a mini-tantrum when he had the hose and I turned the water off, I explained to him that mommy would water the grass and Joey could shovel dirt, so he handed me the hose and said "mommy do". I still can't believe it.

Something cute he did tonight - he sat on the potty with his backpack on - with all his tools in it, and hammered on the toilet paper holder - he has to always be fixing something - I guess he can't even take a bathroom break (not potty trained yet but we are working on it).

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