Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Christina rolled over !!

Last night I put Christina on the bed on her back and turned around (for a second) to get a sleeper out of her closet, when I turned back around she was on her stomach propped up on her elbows .. Yeah!!!

Joey's Birthday Party

Joey is two years old now !! We had his birthday party on the 25th at Chuck E Cheese. We had a good time, he learns fast, we put tokens in his pocket to spend and when he ran out he said "more money dad" .. he's been calling us mom and dad instead of mommy and daddy, isn't that supposed to happen much later? I am definitely not ready for that. Here are some pics of him and his friends.

Joey with Big Sissy Emily

Joey with Bob the Builder

Maybe we should have Joe's next birthday party at Chuck E Cheese too.

Joey and his friend Conner, we had not seen Conner since Christmas, they get big so fast

Here is Brianna, we had Joey's and Brianna's birthday party together since their birthdays are only a day apart. Brianna is 3.

Here are Nate and Wyatt the twins, they got Joey a cool caterpillar with batteries

YUMMY !! Pizza and chocolate cake..the waiter bought out the pizza and cake at the same time and put the cake right in front of Joey...hmmm...which did Joey want to eat first?

and here is Chuck E Cheese himself paying a visit to our table

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Level Lots are OverRated

Who needs a level lot? We like our sloped backyard just fine, makes for a good roll down the hill.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What Daddy's Put Up With

Here's Joe the other night after Joey shot him down with his pretend gun, after Joe went down he decided to bury Joe's head in books, toys, and then his wagon.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Uncle Shuck's Corn Maize

We decided yesterday to go to Uncle Shuck's Corn Maize in Dawsonville, Joey, Emily, and Joe did half the corn maize (the un-haunted side), and we did the hayride. The weather was gorgeous. Here are some pics

Here are Emily and Joey playing trumpet, she's blowing and he's pressing the buttons, it sounded GREAT!! (NOT)

Here are Emily and Christina having a gab session, they are such good friends, they talk on the cell phone for hours.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Christina Rolling Over (Almost)

Here is Christina trying to roll over, she's almost there !

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christina's 4 month checkup

Our little girl is very healthy !!

She is:
60th percentile for height (24.5 inches)
82th percentile for weight (15.4 lbs)
59th percentile for head circumference

She's not rolling over completely yet but she does roll over onto her side and cries I think because she wants to roll all the way over. I think some of this is the lack of time I have for her in the evenings with work and Joey. I do try to put her on her tummy once a night and on her back a little while. When she's on her back on in her bath she is always lifting her head up.

Joey is actually starting to listen to me and do what I ask. (ok, the last two nights anyway he has been an angel). when we got out of the car after I picked them up for daycare he ran around the side of the house..I told him to come back, we could come back out after dinner and he actually came back on his own without fussing. Then he had a mini-tantrum when he had the hose and I turned the water off, I explained to him that mommy would water the grass and Joey could shovel dirt, so he handed me the hose and said "mommy do". I still can't believe it.

Something cute he did tonight - he sat on the potty with his backpack on - with all his tools in it, and hammered on the toilet paper holder - he has to always be fixing something - I guess he can't even take a bathroom break (not potty trained yet but we are working on it).

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Were we ever busy today. Christina woke up at around 4 for a bottle, Joey woke up at 6 and got in bed with us. He kept kicking me in the head so I gave up and went downstairs to make some very strong coffee. We went over to Joe's old house and put out some for rent flyers, we decided it would be too much to try to sell two houses at one time. Joe put up our banner for our community yard sale next Saturday, I am hoping we get rid of lots and lots of stuff. Joe had to leave in the middle of Sunday to go out of town to work and speak at AFCOM, so after he left we took Joey's tools to the playset in the backyard and pretended like we were building until I couldn't take the mosquitoes anymore (the children's bug repellent is only 4% deet and it doesn't keep our gargantuan sized bugs away), then we took Joey's big wheel outside and he played with the kids across the street (he can't reach the pedals yet so he scooted it around with his feet). Then we had dinner (yogurt, half a banana, and garlic bread...hey, no comments please, sometimes I am just lucky to get him to eat). Same with bathtime, I thought by giving him a choice he would be forced to pick something, I guess he's getting too smart for that. I asked Joey if he wanted the big tub (our tub with the jets) or the little tub (his tub), so he said "no". I repeated the question, throwing the shower in there, and just "no" again. I finally did get him in the bath at 8:30. I had to go looking all over for my phone - he talked to Daddy on the phone tonight and ran away with it, so Joe just had to hang up. Here are some other things we did tonight and over the weekend:

Christina tried rice cereal, she doesn't know what to do with it so she's just spitting it out. I'll keep trying .. she also went into the bouncer for the first time, she enjoyed it for about 10 minutes and then got mad.

Here is Joey, he insisted he got to go into the bouncer too, he is chomping on a teether, see his legs hanging over?..I guess he's still feeling like sometimes he wants to be the baby too.

Emily was over this weekend and she rode the big wheel by herself around the kitchen island and talked about how much fun it was..then she piled on pillows for Joey to sit up on and drove him around...they are so cute together

Here is Joey and his Bob the Builder tool belt, he is such a little worker.

And here is Joey changing the baby's diaper. He gets a wipe , wipes the baby, and then hollers for me to help him because he can't figure out the tabs on the diapers yet...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My wonderful husband

My wonderful husband has been home now for three days this week, Mon/Tues/Wednesday. Unlike the previous 4 months where he's been out of town pretty much the entire week. I think I complained so much he thought he had to stay home to keep me from completely losing it. Every night he has completely taken care of Joey so I could take care of Christina and have some bonding time with her. He played with Joey, fed him his dinner, gave him his bath, changed his diapers, dressed him, etc etc. Of course part of that is when Daddy's home Joey is stuck like glue on Joe and wants nothing to do with Mommy. It feels like normal again. He's leaving in the morning but only for two days which as usual I am not looking forward to.

Joey wouldn't take a bath tonight so I put him in our shower. The only problem is he wants to hold the shower head which means water is going to go everywhere and the tile is going to be slippery. He cries if I shut the shower door so hmmm...how am I going to handle this tomorrow night? Maybe I could invite Sponge Bob over to our house to lay down in front of the shower and absorb all the water.

I asked Joey if he wanted to go outside and he said "no, dark out there, moon on". He is so funny. Next post I'll have some pics.