Monday, June 20, 2011

Our annual Christmas Party

Ok I haven't posted anything in a good long while, trying to catch up, I've got so many good pics. Here are pics from our annual christmas party (uh, last year), it was so much fun
The elves

The food

and of course jolly old Santa, someone is trying to tell him his belt is too high

Santa with Matthew

Santa with Conner

Santa and Brianna

Santa and Christina

Santa and Fiona

Santa and Joey
Santa and Gavin

Ok now Santa

Snow day and Christmas 2010

Wow it's been a long time since I've posted. I've got lots of pictures to share.
Here's the snow storm we had (from Joe's homemade snow blower) and the kids out playing in it.

Do you see anything odd in this picture?

Christmas presents !!

Reading Daddy's new Nook
