Well, Joey has always been one big walking boo boo, either falling down, hitting his head, or something, but this past weekend he got a major boo boo. He, Daddy, and Christina were out and as Daddy was putting Christina in the car Joey grabbed the exhaust pipe of Joe's car. Joe said he didn't cry right away, he just kept saying "pipe, hot"..but then started crying a few minutes later. Joe high tailed it back home and put ice and aloe and lots of kisses on Joey's hand. Sunday (the next day) when he woke up from his nap, he had a very large blister covering the burn, so off we went to Children's in Roswell, to see the boo boo doctor. Luckily there were no kids there (quite different from cold season months and all the other times I have been there with Joey - usually a two hour wait), so we were in and out. The doctor gave us some silvadene, and wrapped up Joey's hand, it looked like a little cast (see picture). He's a little trooper, he didn't cry much over the entire thing, the doctor said he must have a high pain tolerance.
Monday morning Joe and I tried for awhile to get Joey to let us change the bandage but he wasn't having it. Finally Joe got the Elmo doll and bandaged up Elmo's hand, and Joey was still long enough for me to hold his hand while Joe put a fresh bandage on it. Tonight Joe is out of town and no such luck for me, I had to wait until Joey was asleep to change his bandage.
Emily was over Sunday, she is reluctantly in the picture, doesn't my husband look so young and refreshed in this picture with all 3 kiddo's? I bet he doesn't feel that way. Sorry honey I should have cropped out the dirty socks.

Christina was laughing over the weekend, just a short little laugh. She was in her crib and had one of my fingers in each hand. She kept bringing them up to her mouth to chew on my fingers and I would shake them away saying "don't you eat my fingers" and she would just grin and let out a little laugh. What a cutie.
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