Monday, January 26, 2009

Pics of the Kids, Truck Bed, Christina sitting up

Some pics from the last two weeks
Christina sitting up on her own, not crawling yet, but she rolls around on the floor and rocks on all fours

Christina and Joey hanging out on the couch

My big girl in her car seat

Our pasttime last week consisted of taking all the pillows off the couch and rolling on them

and playing guitar to 'we will rock you' over and over and over, I was required to play also and had to stomp my feet

I think Joey is too big for the swing now. I can't believe he used to not even weigh 6 lbs.

Joey and Daddy working on his truck bed

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

pics of the kids:
joey tickling Christina:

Joey teaching Christina how to crawl

Joey kicked Christina out of her seat

Joey has had a rough week, he has not wanted to go to daycare, he says in a pitiful heart tugging voice "I want stay home", "I want mommy stay here", "I want to go nighty nighty" (as if he'd rather be sleeping than go to daycare.) He doesn't want to do anything that leads up to leaving the house (changing diaper or sitting on the potty, brushing his teeth, getting dressed, in other words, everything). But then when I pick him up he never wants to leave right away because he's so involved in whatever he is playing at the moment. Aauuggg, mornings this week are trying to say the least.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Christina is getting a few teeth on the top, I could barely see them two days ago and it only looked like the two front teeth, now it looks like 4, they are popping thru more, I'm suprised she is not cranky. She is showing signs of wanting to crawl, when I put her on her stomach she'll lift up her entire upper body and lift up on one knee and move sideways. I guess I'll be a little more busy when she starts to crawl keeping Joey's toys out of her reach.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Joey burying Joe again

Joey decided to bury Joe again tonight on the living room floor. Everytime Joe would try to lift his head Joey would shout "No, head down Dad", or "No, hat on head". The "hat" is a little seat for Christina that helps her to sit up on her own.

Here is Joey going to get more stuff to pile on Joe. I suggested Joey's toolbox to cover his back, Joe started wiggling his fingers at me from under his pillows, I'm not sure what he was trying to say.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A busy woman needs more than one husband

Emily and I cloned Joe so we could have a couple of husband's that went to work, one to take care of the kids, and one to keep up with the house and shopping so Emily and I could relax a little bit. See what happens with four Joe's? They still are sitting around watching TV and goofing off.