Here is what I have been missing a lot lately - Arizona. Life was not so hectic, the house was small enough that it took me all of 30 minutes to clean it, and we actually had some leisure time and got to explore a lot on the weekends. Hot but fun and relaxing.

These are some of my favorite pictures from Orlando - when Joe's family came to visit us and we spent some time at Disney - Joey loves Ty Ty !!

Christina when she was smaller, I think the beach picture is Daytona beach when we went to visit Michael

Joe got some really good tickets to a basketball game when we were in Arizona so we had date night and the kids had a playdate with Kristi and Parker

The kids at the great playground just walking distance of the house we stayed in

Christina at a different playground, the kids thought it was our job every day to find a new playground to go to

Christina watching TV with her monkeys

the kids on the Greenway - I think this is right after we got home from Arizona

One of our arts and crafts projects - the kids made a flower centerpiece, this was in Arizona

guess where we like to go ?

Joey would do this in Arizona, he would stand up all his army guys and his nerf bullets which were bombs

Dad and Joey are playing tennis in the living room

This was a fun day - when we got back from Arizona we took the kids to the Dobbins air force base show

Christina at a neighbor's Christmas party

Christina trying to decide what she wants from Santa. I used to think we would get the kids one of these cars but I've decided no after getting my toes run over a few times by the neighbor's little cars

that is one really deep tub

raking leaves in the backyard

various pictures of the kids playing

Joey's favorite pasttime - lego's

my pretty girl

our friend from the neighborhood bought her butterflies over so we could release them in the front yard

"touch a truck" - all kinds of trucks and vehicles are in a huge parking lot and the kids can climb all over them, we try to go every year

and here is what I am feeling like these days

Since we have returned from Arizona (September 2010) we have been so busy, I was home with the kids until March? so I had a nice time with them but we were busy getting organized and put a will together, that was not fun - I had to get us ready for tax season and look for a job. Lately we have had a lot of expense with a vacant rental house, we had to evict someone and she left the house a wreck. we've got the house painted and carpet goes in next week, and landscaping will be done, then there are a lot of little things that have to be done, then maybe things will calm down for awhile.
that's all for now - nighty night
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