I am so glad to be home, we've been really busy unpacking, cleaning, and now I am sitting outside in the nice Fall weather on a Saturday morning trying to sell all our baby stuff at our neighborhood yard sale. Better sell the stuff because it's not going back inside the house, two toddler beds, two high chairs, tons of baby clothes, crib mattresses and sheets, etc. Thank goodness we are done with all of that, it was cute while it lasted but I am glad the kids are older and more independent, of course that presents it's own challenges (potty training, temper tantrums, fun stuff).
So here is Joey, we bought their Halloween costumes at Walmart because it looked like they were already going to be selling out. Joey wanted the race car driver costume, here he is giving it a test drive. He blocked Christina in a corner and told her she couldn't come out until she could say "race car driver".
Took the kids to Catch Air one day with a friend of ours from the neighborhood, Christina made some new friends that shared their candy with her, and Joey had fun jumping and spinning.
This is Christina in the house in Arizona, she loves her froggy bath toys and lines them up every night like this, the big green frog is the Daddy, the pink one is the Mommy, and all the little ones are the babies, she stays in the tub forever playing with them.
Here are the kids at Wills park playground, first nice Fall day, I had to put long pants on them.
Here's a great picture of all 3 of the kids going on a wagon ride
Here is what the kids did one day for entertainment for about 10 minutes before I could get them to stop, it wasn't funny when it was happening because I had to stand guard at the steps and make sure one of them didn't fall and bust their head
We had our friends from the neighborhood over one afternoon to play, notice Joey in the spiderman costume, and his friend in the policeman costume, and the little boy holding his hands up with handcuffs on, it's nice to see our friends again
Here is Joey enjoying his bubble bath, he turns on the jets and it makes a ton of bubbles, and of course he has his mask, fins, and snorkel
Joey loves to cover the kitchen table with paper and have me draw whatever he wants me to and then he helps me color it in. We started out with an army tank, then added ET (the movie ET) at the bottom, then the divers floating down to save ET. He has got some imagination.
We had some other friends over, a couple of girls, the kids had so much fun together we are trying to plan a sleepover with them so the parents can have a night out, the older girl stole my phone and took videos, a lot of videos, most of them are too large to upload to the blog, but here is a cute one of Christina
Here is Joey the same night riding around with his batman mask and spidey outfit

Oops, Joey was going too fast and now he's in big trouble