Here is Joey telling me how super cool he looks in his dad's sunglasses and Philly cap

Here are pictures of the Maricopa County Fair I forgot to post, we went to this a few months back, the kids were too short for most of the rides (we found this out after buying an unlimited pass) and we overheard a lot of the parents complaining about the same thing, but it still turned out to be fun.

Joe and I decided to take the kids to the Pima Air Museum in Tucson, it has over 300 aircraft, one hangar with stuff just for kids, a couple of other hangars, and I think it was 80 acres of aircraft outside, there was a tram tour we did (it was too hot for the kids to walk around), we got to hear a lot of information about the different aircraft, here are some pictures.

We took the kids to the Phoenix zoo too, it's nice but I thought the San Diego zoo was a lot nicer. You can see from one of the pics we were being invited to a keg party but we declined. The kids don't really appreciate seeing the animals yet.

Here are the kids painting their father's day plates at the pottery place at Desert Ridge. As soon as we got home Joey told Joe that they had painted Daddy a suprise with their handprints, and what color, he wasn't supposed to do that.

Here are just various pics of the kids, I thought they were cute.

We cut a castle out of a cardboard box and painted it one day, we also had to drag out the robot we made the first few days we got to AZ, we keep repainting him, I can't believe he has lasted this long, I'm afraid to retire him to the recycling bin.

Emily came to visit us, her Dad picked her up from the airport and they went straight to work, Joe made her fix something:

We kept everyone busy while Emily was here, we went to the Biosphere in Oracle, AZ, it was a government experiment but is now run by the University of Arizona, it's basically a self contained living facility that produces it's own oxygen, water, etc, several researchers lived there for two years without anything coming in or out. Here is the website, I thought it was pretty interesting even though I didn't hear half the tour because I was chasing Christina around

We also took them to the Desert-Sonoma museum, a nice paved two mile walkway where you can see wildlife up close , the heat was too much for the kids but they enjoyed the ice cream at the end

We also went to the newly opened MIM (Musical instrument museum), it just opened this year in April, we got headphones to wear so you could hear the music as you went past each exhibit, they also had an experience room, the kids enjoyed being able to play the musical instruments in that room, they got a little too rowdy tho adn I ended up taking them to the Mcdonald's playground so Joe and Emily could enjoy the museum.

After the MIM we saw fireworks, Joey and Emily watched it from the top of Joe's H2.

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