Thursday, April 1, 2010

Busy Weekends

Emily is coming to visit us this weekend. She's flying in and getting here Friday night at 8:30. We're leaving early to see the Grand Canyon, and maybe take an Easter train ride on Sunday, Joe's birthday is Sunday too. Can't wait to see big sissy Emily !!! Hopefully after this weekend I'll have some nice pictures to post.

Christina still isn't talking much, I've admittedly been too tired to deal with taking her pacifier away, she has it in her mouth all the time, but here are the words she does say -

MINE (her favorite)
ow (as in ouch)
owl (and hoo hoo for the owl noise)
not nice
quack (if you ask her 'what does a duck say')
night night
more (another favorite)

she shakes her head yes and no, I've been trying to get her to say milk, Joey, and yes/no, but she's not saying those words yet. She understands a lot she's just not saying much.

Joey has some pretty funny expressions lately, he tells me things like
quit bossing me around
meanie (he calls me that all the time)
i'll be good all day if you let me have hotdogs for breakfast
a treat will make me feel better (if he says he is sick or has a boo boo)
in 3 months (if I ask him when he is going to poop in the potty)
no I'm handsome (if I tell him he's cute)
no girls allowed
I have big muscles

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