I wish I had some pics to post. Maybe next time. Some cute things that have happened:
Christina stood up for a few seconds on her own, twice last weekend..she was holding
onto Joey's truck and let go and was standing there for a second. I love those first moments when we are all actually at home and can see it.
Joey really really needs a week of intensive potty training. he is ready. we've
had little successess but he is just so much more interested in playing than using
the potty, I think i need some other reward besides stickers. I'm planning a week
at home where we do nothing but sit on the potty, with lots of rewards. He knows
when he has to go, the other morning he told me he had 'hot pee pee' in his diaper and laid down on the floor waiting for me to change him.
We had Joe's suprise birthday party last Sat, and wouldn't you know I was so busy
I didn't take a single picture. His cake said 'You're how old?' and had a bunch of laughing men on it, a lot of his friends and our neighbors showed up, Emily got Joe out of the house for me a few hours, she did a great job. They went to the movies, out for ice cream, drove by her friends house, then Emily told Joe she wanted to ride around and count mailboxes, at this point he started suspecting something, Emily texted me constantly telling me how stubborn Joe was being, that all he wanted to do was go home and take a nap. She is awesome.
Joey was riding one of his trucks the other day and Christina was hanging onto the back of it walking, Joey was going really slow for her and kept looking back to
see if she was ok. They love each other, so heart melting CUTE !!
i MISS my husband, he is in Orlando until sometime next week.